*****BREAKING NEWS!!!*****(five stars are important!!!)
I have always worked with flash, but I am going to take my flash to the next level... Don't worry, I won't rid my Flash 8 Pro... instead, I am getting a newer and more improved flash; Flash Cs3 Pro! this will give me more options of flash to use, so I can work with more people than before! I am also sure it will come with a newer actionscript, so I can make even games! Pretty good sounding eh? And don't worry, I won't give up! Just hope that my next creation is better than the next!
Wish me luck in Cs3!
news status: **
If anyone wants any advice help, or wants me to help create a collab, I am available. Just PM me!
news status: ***
mastersonic3's sprite tournament is still ago, and if anyone wants to join, contact mastersonic3! you can animate or create a fan character... there is more info in it at his DA page. Keep an eye out for my animation in the tournament!!!
you can check out my new art, freshly submitted! Spill your thoughts and post a comment on the art.
All collab members should work their hardest on their videos for the collab! Once you are finished PM me the video.
Remember there are new posts every week! (If there isn't I may be really busy...) You can PM me if you have anything to say!
Post a comment and share this with your friends! Thanks for reading...
And until next time, SEE YA!!!